For the first time, we did not immediately take off early in the morning for the north but lazed around the lake for the day. Joyce, Peter and Warren were first up at 05.30 to watch the Tour de France broadcast. The others appeared with varying degrees of tardiness, culminating with Megan at about 10.00.
Warren organized everyone for water sports.
Brent made successful run to the island without falling off (although he fell off about 15 times on the return trip).
Warren, Sandy and Kieran left at noon, to return to Saskatoon as they were leaving early Tuesday morning for a hiking trip in the Rockies.
Mike: On Monday morning we tried our hand at wind surfing (not as easy as it looks). Brent showed off his wind surfing skills by sailing over to the island and back. I ended up in the weeds and had to swim out dragging the wind surfer behind me accompanied by numerous horse flies. Monday afternoon, after much arm twisting, Brent convinced Kevin then me to take the catamaran out for a spin. We did good (Brent was helmsman).
Brent slow cooked a pork roast in Peter's
barbeque. We feasted on barbequed pork roast, potatoe casserole, wonderful
salad, Joyce's fresh baked bread, wine, various types of cheese at Monday