Morning Fog

Chris got out of bed to take this picture. I elected to stay warm instead and wait for the pictures
to be developed
Snug and Warm

Although it looks warm and sunny, it is only 5 degrees. I am modelling my new sleeping bag. As
time came to drag my carcase out of bed, I decided that I was sick, so delayed it as long as
possible. When everyone else was done eating (I wasn't ready for any food, not even coffee,
which usually means that I am really sick), I got up and (very slowly) tore down my portion of
camp and loaded up the canoe. I was feeling pretty queezy, but it could have been much worse.
After 2 hours of leisurely paddling, I asked warned Chris that I wasn't going to be steering real
well while I threw up over the side of the canoe. Fortunately, Mike and Brent were too far away
to get a good picture. That done, I felt much better and we did another leisurely 2 hours of
paddling, arriving at what looked like an ideal site, but, it seemed to be occupied, by canoeists
no less. This was a shock, as we rarely encounter other people, especially in the fall. It turned out
that they were on their way in to a cabin, and had only stopped to have a picnic on the island.
The island was ours. We relaxed, fished and cooked.

Fishing is almost compulsory on these trips. Warm sun, still air and black clothing can make 10
degrees very pleasant. We weren't serious about it, and we didn't really expect to catch much,
and we didn't, just a few very small jackfish.
To the next day