About Us

Warren and Sandy and Keiran

Warren, Sandy and Keiran live in Saskatoon. Our brand new house, designed by
us, is now 16 years old. Keiran is 18. The neighborhood has trees and has pretty much filled it. We still have our grasslands, and open lands to the north. But there is no denying that the city has expanded into us.


I have enjoyed watching the seasons change from fall to winter. And summer to fall. Most mornings are magical as the sun comes up over the grassland.


When we moved here, we had one neighbor, and lots of dirt in all directions. Our new home in the dirt…


Fifteen years ago, I updated this website with the comment:

Keiran is now 3 years old and has just started pre-school. He likes it. Here he is on his first day.  Time flies by.


It sure does, we are now 15 years later and I am finally being forced to update this website as Shaw is shutting everyone’s personal websites down.  Sigh.  But it is probably for the best, it was time for some updates.