I have been sailing for a long time. I don’t spend anywhere near enough time to be really good at it, but I am enthusiastic! Right now, my passion is sailing a Hobie16 in what I consider big winds, about 25 to 30 knots. We sail on Emma Lake, a small lake in the middle of the prairies in Saskatchewan. The land is flat and as the weather systems sweep across the land unimpeded we get lots of interesting winds.
And now I have a few keelboat adventures as well. Tarka is a Vancouver 32 owned by Ben of Squamish Sailing Ventures.
Tarka – Keelboat Sailing with Squamish Sailing Ventures
Skipper Certification (IYT and ICT)
I figured it would be fun to get my Skipper Certification. This would enable me to rent sailboats up to about 40? feet long. This could be really fun to do in the Caribean, the Mediteranean and around Vancouver Island. And I suspected that the week long course out on the waters of BC (courtesy of Squamish Sailing Adventures) would be fun. It was awesome. Here is how it went: Skipper Certification on Tarka – 2021.
Vancouver Island Circumnavigation
We did it! Ben got us together again and we sailed around Vacouver Island. We did this in a rush and it was adversity just made it more memorable: VIC 2022
Hobiecat 16
Some videos of us playing at Emma Lake
Hobie Turtle with Kim (2020)
A SeaSpray is a small lightweight catamaran that initially looks similar to a Hobiecat. But it is much lighter and more delicately built. Sort of halfway to a windsurfer. A friend passed me one which his family had essentially abandoned. Kim and I have had fun with it, extra fun because we can sail it solo and still be able to right it after capsizing. Things keep breaking, but we keep sailing
Older Pages
My old sailing pages can be found here
Some GoPro Videos
Recently, I have been attaching a GoPro to the bow of the boat. The video clips are fun. It is stunning how fast this boat is.