Mount Assiniboine 2016 – Page 3

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2016-08-11 Day 5 – Hike Out – Wonder Pass

13 km is a long day for us. We were all dragging by the time we arrived at the Brandt Creek.

  • The first several hours took us across the Lake Magog meadow, and then up to Wonder Pass and down to Marvel Lake. The telescope at the Magog Lodge was fun to play with.
  • Warren, Keiran and Tegan decided that we had time in hand, and explored a side trail to a Marvel Lake overlook. Neat to do, but no because of the view.
  • We got baked by the sun as we followed the rocky trail way above Marvel Lake.
  • We arrived at Bryant Creek and explored the camping cabin. Cool, and everyone was saddened to discover that we still had several km to our final campsite. The Bryant Creek campsite was buried in the trees, next to a fast flowing stream. No views but nice enough.

2016-08-12 Day 6 – Hike Out – Bryant Creek to Mount Shark Trailhead, and Calgary

In the morning, we discovered that Keiran had slept with his bacon. Sigh. Not good with all the bear warnings in this area.

This part was mostly lots of walking down hill, through trees. The last 5 km or so is also a X-country ski area, and we kept seeing signs which pointed us in the right direction, but gave us no indication of how far we still had to go.

Next was the drive back to Calgary, dinner at Earl’s and then the hot tubs on the roof of the Applause Hotel, watching the planes land.

2016-08-13 – Drive to Saskatoon

I like the Applause Hotel. It can be very cheap, and feels luxurious. Then the long drive back to Saskatoon.

Warren’s WordPress pages are HERE