Friday 2018-08-10 Mount Robson – Day 6 – Down to Emperor Falls Campsite
Today we packed up and moved down to the Emperor Falls campsite. Just a short 6 km, but it would make the next day easier. The Wallace Clan packed up and left even earlier because they were going all the way out.
Once again, across the huge gravel flood plain. The campsite is small, only 6-ish tent spots, and no cook shelter. We cooked our last home-dried meal, Thai Red Curry. As always, wonderful. We were right by the river, and got to listen to the rushing water all night.
Saturday 2018-08-11 Mount Robson – Day 7 – Hike Down and Out and Drive To Calgary
The final hike out. 16 km. A long way for us with the big packs on. We don’t find that it makes much of a difference going up or down. We suck at both.
We quickly packed up and were en-route. We re-saw all the sights. Nice stop at Whitehorn for munchies. And we trudged on down.
Kim already had an unhappy ankle from the previous days hiking. Keiran crashed and sprained his ankle pretty thoroughly about half way down. Luckily, a tight boot kept the initial swelling down, and he was able to make it out before it became impossible. By using dual hiking poles, he was even able to carry his pack all the way. It would not have been fun to drop it off, and then hike back up to get it later.
Keiran and I thought it might be easier to take the flood plain into Kinney Lake, so we took a different fork in the trail. But it turned out to be flooded and impassible. So, with sighs, we headed by up the switchbacks to rejoin the standard trail.
We started the drive back to Calgary and our hotel. And our first meal back in civilization was Earl’s. Excellent as always.
Sunday 2018-08-12 Mount Robson – Drive To Saskatoon
Most of the gang did not get up early, so I went off to Starbuck’s on my own. Then we did the standard drive back home, the only thing of note was continually making sure that Keiran wrapped and iced his ankle.