Midnight Canoeing under the Aurora Borealis

The three of us (Warren, Sandy and Jeff) decided to go on a quick canoe trip around the Bagwa loop. We were going to leave Saskatoon on Friday, at around 10:00 pm, however, as we drove down 8th St., we decided that we were hungry, so we went by Gino's and had pizza and pasta.

northern lights during drive

paddling in the fog , then northern lights,

into the open on Kingsmere, more northern lights

then the fogs comes in, totally blind, so suck up to one shore, within about 30 feet. Sandy very sleepy, so we told her to go to sleep. She did so, and lay down under the thwarts and fell asleep. Twice, going around a rocky point, we scraped a rock in the shallows, and Sandy bolted upright... Well, only halfway, because she cracked her under when she tried to sit up with head still under the thwart. Would have gone past Peace Point, except saw the dock loom up out of the fog 20 feet behind us. We had passed within 10 feet of it and not seen it.

Set up camp at 4am, then the park rangers came to take the cook stove apart for the winter. Lots of banging as they took the chimney down, and loaded it aboard their boat.

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