Halifax 2
Halifax 3

We flew into Halifax and picked up our rental car. Nice to have your own vehicle. Not so nice when it turned out to be very difficult to park it anywhere near Gilbert's place! Basically, we had to move the vehicle to another side streetbefore 8 am every day.

We explored Gilbert's house and yard. A really neat OLD row-house. We had our own bedroom with a 12 foot ceiling and a huge, puffy comforter. Keiran got to sleep in the TV room. Gilbert fed me multiple capacino's every day. Life is good.

Since we were situated only a few blocks from downtown and the harbour, it was expected that we would explore on foot. Halifax is full of brightly coloured, row-houses. Each house is painted its own set of colours, with little or no regard for the neighbor's choice of colours. Siding is compulsorary.

Down at the harbour, fog rolls in like clockwork. The nightlife and boat-life are shrouded in mystery.

The next day we struggled out of bed.... Remember the 3 hour time difference? As soon as Sandy was on her feet, we took off on a drive south of Halifax. The weather cooperated and we were treated to a gorgeous sunny day. We visited Mahone Bay, had lunch in Lunenburg and then visited the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove. At this point in time, we realized that Keiran was sick. He had fallen asleep while we were on the Bluenose II in Lunenburg. We thought he was just jet lagged but then it became obvious that it was more than that. At four years old, you don't get a lot of reliable feedback. We carried him back from the lighthouse and retreated back to Halifax. Gilbert cooked dual meals for us that evening (and most every evening). Mussels for Sandy, NOT seafood for me!

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Contact me at: warren.long@shaw.ca